Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust

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Babine Monitoring Framework Highlights


Objectively prioritize monitoring of land use plans in Babine watershed.


Land Use Plan Summary – Identifies components of land use plans to monitor.


  • Goal: Maintain Biodiversity
  • Objective: Maintain Natural Seral Stage Distribution
  • Indicator: Percent of each seral stage relative to natural

Knowledge Base – Scientific information on land use plan goals, objectives, indicators.

Graphs show how indicators relate to risk of not achieving an objective.
Uncertainty about each graph is rated high, medium or low.

Monitoring Gaps – Summarizes past monitoring in Babine.

Procedures – Using Knowledge Base to determine monitoring priorities.

Priority Lists

  • Collecting indicator information.
  • Detecting negative consequences associated with management activities.
  • Improving knowledge and reducing uncertainty about risk.

Determining Priorities

If indicator data insufficient to determine or estimate risk then indicator is on list 1.
List 2. and 3. rankings are primarily based on:

  • Evaluating current and future risk to achieving land use goals and objectives.
  • Degree of uncertainty about the level of risk.
  • Rankings further refined by objective’s influence on goals, and recovery period for objective.
  • Priorities also assessed with cost-benefit analysis to determine ease of monitoring.

Updating the Monitoring Framework

This is a “living document” to be improved upon as better information emerges.
Priority Lists need revising after Knowledge Base is updated.

Who is Involved

The outline for the Monitoring Framework was developed by Babine Watershed Monitoring Governance Design Group.
The Monitoring Framework was prepared by consultants Karen Price and David Daust with a grant from Ministry of Sustainable Resources Management.
Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management administered the grant.